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Thursday, 12 February 2015

His Girlfriend Was Raped; Should He Continue With Her?

We’ve been friends since October, but
recently we started dating..
Day b4 Yesterday, in the morning,
she called and asked for directions

to a street in Uyo, she said she
wanted to visit a friend. She’s a
social type, so I didn’t bother
asking who she wanted to visit.
Like an hour latter, she called but I
missed the call, and when I tried
calling back, the phone was off..
Around 6.30 pm, I called and she
said she was still at the friend’s
place.. Her voice was down, but I
didn’t bother asking y.
Yesterday she used a guy’s pics on
her bbm d.p, and wrote ‘I hate u’
on it. I asked her y, though she
didn’t want to tell me, she latter
said the guy had raped her.
After she tried calling me, the guy
had snatched the phone from her,
and turned it off..
Somehow, ave forgiven her, but am
confused.. This is d second time,
someone has disflowered my
girlfriend.. Though not the same
I can’t forgive the guy but I don’t
know if to continue the

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