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Monday, 9 February 2015

Jamb 2015: Unilorin, Uniben, Unizik Leads List Of Most Popular Universities

With the 2015 JAMB UTME
registration officially closed,
Campus Portal Nigeria have
compiled the list of most sought
after universities.
Out of the over 180 universities in
Nigeria, University of Ilorin

(Unilorin) has the highest number
of JAMB UTME applicants with over
85,945 candidates seeking
admission into the institution. This
is followed by the University of
Benin (Uniben) with over 60,020
applicants, and Nnamdi Azikiwe
University, Awka (Unizik) with over
58,410 UTME applicants.
The 4th, 5th, and 6th most sought-
after higher institutions are the
University of Nigeria, Nsukka –
UNN (57,539 applicants), Ahmadu
Bello University, Zaria – ABU
(52,785 applicants), and the
University of Lagos – UNILAG
(49,059 applicants) respectively.
Best wishes to all 2015 JAMBites…

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