suspected secret cult members held
a family hostage for about an hour,
while workers were going to work
in the early hours of the day.
The cultists, numbering about
seven, wielding pistols, suddenly
showed up at Ogo Oluwa area of
Isashi, all on motor bikes and rode
straight to the residence of one Mr.
Henry Omoregbe.
They gained entrance on the
pretence that they had a message
for the family and no sooner was
the gate opened than the family
realized that they were under siege
of the cult members.
The boys immediately started
beating up every member of the
family with horse whips and base
ball bats, while demanding for the
whereabout of a member of the
family, Emmanuel Omoregbe, who
they claimed had refused to carry
out their instructions.
Neigbours could not intervene for
fear of their lives, but the head of
the family, who pleaded with the
young men, told them that he had
also been looking for his son for
about a year now.
The search
He showed them the police report
and sworn affidavit he made in
January last year, since his son left
home under inexplicable
Inspite of this, they still searched
the house, damaging furniture and
some household appliances.
Having concluded their search,
they left with a warning: that the
family should tell their son to make
himself available or they will kill
him should they find him
Mr. Henry Omoregbe, a marine
engineer, who came home on leave,
told Vanguard he had reported the
case last year when his wife called
him at work to report that their
son, Emmanuel, had left home due
to threats from suspected cult
members, who had forced
themselves in and beat one his
sons, Stephen.
Showing the police report and
court affidavit, he said he and his
family were yet to hear from his
son as efforts by the police had
drawn blank.
The affidavit read in part: “That
due to threatening of his life from
unknown secret cult gangs
Emmanuel Omoregbe has to
abscond and leave home.”
He explained further that this
whole saga started last year when
Emmanuel, 20, went to Lagos State
University, Ojo, to check if he had
been granted admission, adding
that since then he could not really
say what happened except that the
young man was still missing.
Neighbours, who volunteered
information, said they had been
noticing some strange looking faces
in the area for some time now, but
never thought they could be
dangerous elements until now.
They confirmed Mr. Omoregbe’s
claim of looking for his son for
about a year now.
Source: Vanguard