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Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Unbelievable!! Piglet Born With Human Face, Pen!s On Its Head (Viewer Discretion Advised)

Distubing photos of an unusual piglet
with a human face and a penis on its
head went viral, attracting visitors
and those wishing to buy a mutant.

Tao Lu, a farmer from the city of
Nanning, China, was shocked one
of his pigs delivered 19 piglets with
one of them severely deformed.
After pictures of the mutant
appeared in local media, friends,
neighbours and curious visitors
from all over the country flooded
Lu’s farm.
Most of the witnesses were struck
by the fact that the animal was
born with a human face and a
penis. Some of them offered large
sums of money in exchange for the
pig but it died shortly after being
rejected by its mother and refusing
a bottle.
Speaking about the bizarre piggy
the farmer said, “It was a large
litter, and the mutant was one of
the last of 19 piglets to be born. All
the others were normal, just this
one was really bizarre.
It is a shame it died, I could have
got more money for it than for
the rest of the family put together
based on what people were
offering me on the phone.”
One of the locals who saw the live,
Wu Kung, 32, said, “I was one of a
dozen people who went there to see
the piglet, and it really did have
human face and exactly like he said,
a penis growing out of its forehead.”
This is not the first case of
mutation in animal: a piglet who
was born with 8 legs, a lamb born
with four eyes, two noses and two
mouths, a cyclop lamb with only
one eye, two-headed snake and
many more.

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