I’m sure y’all know this controversial “P*rnstar”, Afrocandy… She took to her page on Social Media last night to speak on the ongoing elections. She has a word or two for those who are supporting the
All Progressive Candidate, APC, Gen. Muhammed Buhari:
I pity all these people Chanting ‘Sai Buhari’ when your name is not ‘Malam Douda’. It is clear this is a Tribal Election and Hausa people stood by their own. When the chips are down, that’s when Buhari Unfolds what he has in his Agenda, he won’t recognize your name unless it sounds like ‘ABOKI’. Then I’ll be at my Base (USA) , Sipping on ma Moet with a little Umbrella Sticking out of it. I hear some of them talking shit, for their info I am a U.S Citizen and I can decide not to Visit Nigeria again until the 8 years he will rule or even until the world ends. I got the Power to Bring my whole Family over here if they chose……Na dem go use their own heads Carryiam!