Just because you saw it in a porn doesn't mean women
will like it. Most $ex in porn is actually not fun for women. Porn focuses on genital stimulation and good $ex is about whole body experiences.
In general endurance is over rated. Just because women want $ex to last longer than 60 seconds doesn't mean they want it to go on for hours. The vagina's ability to self lubricate doesn't go on forever. So pay attention to her and see how long she wants it.
Most women actually know what will bring them to orgasm. So when you are trying this or trying that and nothing is working it's more likely that she doesn't want to tell you than that she doesn't know. She's had practice bringing herself to orgasm with masturbation, so developing good communication is crucial so that she feels comfortable telling you.
Some women have a hard time achieving orgasm so for them, getting there is more trouble than it's worth. That doesn't mean they don't want to have $ex, but it means that the orgasm will not be the star of the show. It's ok, they're still enjoying it.
Women's bodies are very sensitive when aroused so err on the gentle side. In this case, less is more. Communication is also key so that if she wants you to do something harder or rougher she will tell you.